Both are true

I don’t think anything could have prepared me for the sheer, relentless physicality of these early days of motherhood. I feel in in my bones and across every inch of my skin. I am exhausted in an entirely new way. Before our son arrived, I was anxious that I would not be able to breastfeed [...]

Tugging on new Threads…

Another social media platform has flown into our midst and, whilst we should all take a moment of silence for all the social media managers who now have one more platform to consider and cater to, it’s interesting to see the space that Threads is trying to fill. Instagram has long been my favourite social [...]

The realities of living with endometriosis

Hi friends. It’s been a while. I’ve had this post in draft for months but decided it was probably time to hit publish. If you’re here for poetry or a short story, a book review or something uplifting, I’m afraid you came on the wrong day. I’m here for a rant. Fair warning: this post [...]

What now?

What now? What are we supposed to feel When the very hands charged with keeping us safe Are the ones that snatch us from the streets Abuse our bodies Squeeze the life from our limbs? What now? How are we expected to act When every action turns the finger of blame against us And every [...]

When the World is Heavy: Ways to Stay Sane and Make a Difference When Everything Feels Terrible

Quote from Rob Hopkins' "From What Is To What If" Well friends, it's hard to know where to start with everything that is going on in the world (which seems like a constant refrain the last couple of years). I don't know about you but some days I just feel lost and completely overwhelmed by [...]