It’s #TimeToTalk – Keep On Talking

(Hey, look at that - someone can't count so this is a bonus post: #25 of 24!) As #TimeToTalk day 2019 draws to a close, and another blogathon reaches its end, I would like to just take a moment to say a huge, huge thank you to every single one of you who has taken [...]

It’s #TimeToTalk – Being Your Own Best Friend

It's an age old problem that we tend to be terrible at taking our own advice. We are our own worse critics and things that seem logical and sensible when we say it to our friends somehow become ridiculous and impossible when we think about it in relation to ourselves. We would never look at [...]

It’s #TimeToTalk – Accepting The Past, Embracing the Future

It's time for the final guest post of the blogathon and it comes from the lovely Alexandirna of Elysian Haze, who shares her mental health journey and her determination to fight against the stigma. I’ve been staring at my computer screen for a solid 30 minutes, and the multiple days I’ve ignored this. I’m not [...]

It’s #TimeToTalk – Taking Up Space

We all know that one of the common and nasty side effects of struggling with a mental illness is the tendency to believe ourselves to be unworthy. Unworthy of love, unworthy of opportunities, unworthy of happiness. And a common side effect of those feelings of unworthiness is the tendency to make ourselves smaller. To attempt, [...]

It’s #TimeToTalk – Recommended Reads

Anyone who has followed me on Instagram or read my blog will know that I love books and one of my favourite pastimes is reading. It is also one of my favourite forms of self-care and the thing that has most helped me accept, manage and improve the state of my mental health. With that [...]

It’s #TimeToTalk – Surviving

At it's worst, whatever form it takes, mental illness can make it feel like you can't possibly survive the day. Breathing stops being a simple, unconscious act and becomes a wearying labour. Getting out of bed feels like being dumped at Everest Base Camp with no warning and being told to climb to the top. [...]

It’s #TimeToTalk – Under Pressure

This post was written by Georgia, who blogs over at The Lazzzy Student. Here, Georgia shares her personal experience with anxiety and how it was exacerbated by the pressure she put herself under at university. When I first came to university, I felt great! First year flew by, while I joined loads of clubs and [...]

It’s #TimeToTalk – Mental Health and Toxic Behaviour

This next post is a collaborative effort from Abbey, who blogs over at Life and Relationship Issues, and Jen, of Thrive in Chaos. For this post, we wanted to explore how our mental health can affect our behaviour and how we should be careful to avoid toxicity. We follow those negative thought and behaviour spirals [...]

It’s #TimeToTalk – Screentime

We are living in an age where our screens are becoming so ingrained in our lives that glancing at, them refreshing them, staring at them is becoming as much second nature as breathing. I am a blogger, an instagrammer and a huge fan of mobile digital technology, so I know and love the many benefits [...]

It’s #TimeToTalk – Depression: The Mask

Our next guest post is from Millie who blogs over at A Queen With Wings. In this post, she reflects on how depression can cause us to hang onto our masks, not allowing anyone - including ourselves - to see what is truly going on inside our heads. She also offers some encouragement and advice [...]